Tuesday, August 12, 2014

So you are burdened with worry -- don't add guilt too!

Worry. Then guilt.

Christians shouldn't worry, right? We have all those encouraging words in the Bible. If God is for us, who can be against us? God is faithful. He will uphold you with his strong right hand. Fear not, little flock.

So, if you're up at some disturbing hour of the night, upset about something in your life, you aren't very faithful. Whether that is a family member's problem, a job issue, finances, or something larger or smaller. Maybe it's a meeting you don't want to have. A test. An awkward visit from a family member. Or just a pile of smaller issues flooded out of proportion by too much coffee.

You've turned over the issue to God for days, or weeks, or years. But tonight, you can't sleep, you can't read, you can't push it aside. It's taken up all the space between your ears. Your remaining rational brain cells know there's absolutely nothing you can do, especially at 3 a.m. But there you are, pacing the floor, neck stiff from checking your email and Facebook again and again. You don't want to go back to bed and wake your sleepy spouse.

Then the guilt sets in. You've heard this before. Cast your concerns on Jesus. Turn it over in prayer and leave it with Him. Rest easy. He's a big enough God for all your cares. Stop worrying...I've got this one. If it was as easy as wiping a white board, or unloading your bucket. "All yours, Lord. I'm going back to sleep now." But the worry still is there, and joining it is guilt. Apparently, I wouldn't have gotten a couple steps on water. My mustard seed wouldn't have sprouted. Forget moving mountains, I couldn't move an ant hill.

So I tried to find that passage that tells me I'm unfaithful because I worry, and it doesn't show itself. I find lots of great advice: "Who can add a single hour to his life by worrying?" (Well, no one, I guess. Probably a few people have lost a few by worrying.) Trust in Him.

I think the guilt part was an added fear launched by a sermon long ago. Something to tie down the "take it to the Lord in prayer" scriptures. If you lay all those worries on Jesus, you're free. So if you're worried, you're really still laden with cares.

Sometimes the worries are heavy. Sometimes the coffee and cares won't let you sleep. Adding guilt doesn't help. Even if you share those worries with Jesus, you still are pained and upset. Know that the Lord hears your cares and is up all night with you. If you can cast them on Him and rest easy, great. If not, relax in a chair, picture Him holding you and all those troubles. Eventually, you may drift off in His arms. I often find myself comforted by that picture of a loving God and Father, the One who would love you, cares and all.

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