Monday, August 18, 2014

And that's how we roll

My truck turned 10 this month. Well, maybe a little older than that, but that's when we brought Max home -- or really, he brought us home. Max is our 2004 Chevy Colorado.

Apparently, naming vehicles is a pretty common habit, judging from our online acquaintances. They're almost like family members. They go on family trips, accompany us every day. There's only one problem. Eventually, something happens. You decide to sell them. Or they die.

Then that anthropomorphism becomes an awkward moment. Do you mourn? Do you have a service? Do you just pretend you never named your vehicle and treated them like a family member, with a name, an age, and personality?

Max's brother Louie died this week. Louie is my husband's car. We think he's dead, anyway. The reality is that he could be resuscitated, but at a pretty high price. He's 21. Really old in car years. Not really worth it.

My son's car died a year ago. On the way to Flagstaff. Problem is, he was still making payments. So, he came to rest in our yard until my son can save the money to replace the engine. We thought that would have happened by now. Even though he moved out last year, he's been car-sharing with his dad until last week. Now neither of them has wheels.

That has caused a lot of stress at my house. My husband works and has other interests. My son has two jobs and a social life. I have one overwhelming job. Granted, the truck stays in the parking lot at my office 80% of the time. But when I need it, I need it. So now, it's crunch time.

Put the money into my son's vehicle? OK, but will he car-share with my husband? Buy another old car that will likely have issues? Buy a nicer car? Sorry, car payments aren't in our budget. Or try to limp by with one vehicle between three of us. Realistically, I don't think it's going to work for long.

I'm hoping that some miracle occurs to provide another vehicle, like someone that the guys know wants to get rid of a decently running vehicle for an affordable price. But the reality is, something is going to have to give, really soon. Preferably before something happens to my truck. I sure wish we had decent transit service.

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