Thursday, February 26, 2015

Filled with immense gratitude despite the current chaos

I was made to do something. Too much time on my hands drives me over the edge. And I've had too much time for the past week.

Tomorrow will be two weeks since my official last day of work, but the end came a week and a half before that. I'm so stubborn that my gut told me this was over for the past four months, and I've lingered on, hoping to re-engage. Like a friend told me this morning, "you've known, but didn't do anything. So the universe hit you over the head with a 2x4." Pretty astute. That Monday, I felt like I had been hit by a 2x4. And the concussion hasn't healed.

This afternoon, another friend checked in with me. I told her I had an interview Tuesday, and hoped that this wouldn't go on very long.

"It won't -- have you met you?"

I have to say, that phrase just planted me. Yeah. I have. I've met this woman who has pulled all-nighters to make sure a project comes off perfectly or grant is submitted on time. I've met this woman who can pull together and motivate amazing teams of people. I've met the woman who hasn't found a technology she can't conquer. I've met this woman who worked two jobs while finishing her degree -- an opportunity she earned by writing an essay in a national contest. I know her. I'd have hired her twin in a second.

I like me. I'm damn proud of me. And some company or organization is going to be lucky as heck to get me. I'm tired of underselling myself.

That's my motivational speech for the day.

But there's more. Whether I'm hired next week or months from now, I'm just filled with gratitude. I have the best friends anyone could ask for. I just counted 11 amazing woman and one special guy friend. The kind that would drop anything for me in a minute, or kick my butt when needed. And I'd do the same for any of them. Seriously? Who has 12 friends like that? 10 years ago, I knew just one of these people. I'm so grateful for the people in my life.

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